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Our Story


“He’s gone”.

For so many years those words would wake me. Each time praying it was a nightmare. That I would see his big blue eyes again, that we will laugh and hug and disagree again. We would have forever. But he’s gone.

Michael tragically passed away in an accident when he was just 15. I didn’t think I would survive the depths of this deep pain without my son on Earth. I did. 

Early on in my grief I found comfort in sending him a gift to Heaven. I would send a balloon on special occasions… his birthday, a holiday, or just to say Hello. I would attach a card, write my thoughts and send it to Heaven. I would watch until it danced out of my sight. It helped my heart. 

Never being able to find a card talking to Heaven, I created “Hello to Heaven” in memory of my son. Cards and balloons designed for messages to Heaven. I realized I had to help not only grieving parents, but anybody who is grieving, or has no hope.

I soon found that I was giving comfort with our photos with inspirational words, that we decided to grow. More than cards and balloons. Special Memorials, special greetings. Say Hello to Heaven. Hello to Heaven is designed to give love and inspiration and comfort for the soul.


“My biggest fear”

Twenty-eight years after Michael left this life, my second son Ryan gained his wings joining his brother in Heaven.

Being catapulted back to a hell I lived through once before; I knew what I faced. I didn't want this grief journey. Not again.  I did not think I could live thru losing a second child. Not sure if I wanted to.  

The outpouring of love from strangers offering their encouragement brought comfort to my soul. Loving words of guidance, reminding me that I will survive.  They gave back to me what I once gave them…


Hello to Heaven returns with much love and happy memories. Nearly a year of taking time for myself after Ryan passed. My final stage of healing is using what happens to me to help others.

I see the world differently with two sons in Heaven.  I'm here and I'm there.

In loving memory of my boys.
Brothers together forever.

until we meet again…

Helen Lapierre, Mom & Founder of Hello to Heaven

Helen Lapierre, Mom & Founder of Hello to Heaven


Our Commitment to the Environment

Hello to Heaven strives to be Eco-Friendly, trying to provide an environmentally sensitive product to help people celebrate a loved one’s life. Our research shows that mylar balloons and synthetic ribbon are the main detriments to wildlife. Our compostable balloons and paper ribbon are a viable alternative to synthetic products. Please use the enclosed paper ribbon to help protect our environment.